Pollution is a problem that people are becoming increasingly aware of.
Lately the topic of pollution in our citys are becoming more and more relevant and knowing, and it is for a reasson.
The high quantity of vehicles such as cars, trains, chimney and mostly factories of all kinds that produce smoke contaminate the air that we all consume. Obviusly those are not the only causses of the pullution, being the deforestation one of the most important adds of carbon dioxid to the earth, and the degradation of garbage on the land, aswell.
In the case that pollution keep going as we are moving forward in time, the conditions on earth are going to be way different; first we are going to nedd to protect us with masks on our faces or oxigen, secondly he plants are going to strat dying, after the insects and animals that contribute to the pollinization of fruit, vegetables and flowers. And when that has happened, the race of human being would be gone.
thanks to the high difussion of this relevant problem in media, schools and even in the streets we are beggining to raise awareness, and today we have laws, agreements and proyects that help with all those conditions to reduce a little bit the pollution.
It is important that the increassing importance that society has been given to this topic, keep increassing even more, so we can stop that apocaliptic end.
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