Postgraduate Studies... or not 

Since I came to the University I have been feeling not very well, I think it is very complicated, maybe because I do not have a good base, it is a lot of work, I am already feeling depressed and very stressed and honestly I  think I can´t do it much longer than the 5 years that takes to have the diploma in my hands. Maybe, in a future, I will change my mind and end up doing it, and in that case I think I would like to travel to some beautiful and different place. If I can get a nice job with my five years of study it will be incredibly happy for me and I will get very content by reaching my mom´s expectations.
The most important thing to me is to help people and in a future if I think I need to increase my knowledge and get better in some aspects of my profession to make a better job, I will continue studying what I need to improve. 
Those are some of my main reasons why right now I do not want to have a postgraduate study but I can not know the future, so I will let the time tell what I will end up doing, why, where and of course, how long. 
Please don´t judge me xD
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